Client Support

We’re here to help resolve your issue and ensure you have the best possible experience with our trading platform.

Whether you’re making your first transaction, exploring advanced trading strategies, or seeking solutions to technical hurdles, our comprehensive manuals are your go-to resource. Crafted with both beginners and seasoned traders in mind, these guides are designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed for a seamless trading experience.

Download our Exchange User Manual below which covers every facet of our platform, ensuring you have support every step of the way. Dive into our resources to unlock the full potential of your trading journey.

Meet Teri.

Introducing Teri, the latest addition to our virtual technical support team at T7X. This brief introduction aims to show you how Teri can assist both new and existing clients as they navigate our blockchain exchange. Teri is designed to help guide users to the right resources, including user manuals and FAQs, as a step towards enhancing user experience on our platform.

Watch as we explore what Teri can offer, keeping in mind the practical scope of a virtual assistance. This video serves as an invitation to see how support at T7X is evolving, with Teri ready to assist you in finding the information you need.


Frequently asked questions.

Dive into our carefully curated FAQ section, designed to address your most pertinent inquiries and optimize your journey with immediate solutions.

How do I create an account?

Navigate to the top of our website and select the ‘Trading‘ from our website menu or navigate to trade.t7x.io. Once there,  click ‘register‘ in the lower right corner.

Fill out required information:

First name
Last name
Phone number
(optional) referral code from affiliate.

How do I get help with technical issues?


This section of our support page is designed to answer frequently asked questions. If you’ve already gone through our FAQs and our exchange manual and still having trouble, you may contact support to submit a ticket using our support ticketing system. A live representative will be able to assist you further.

You must have a registered trader account in order to use our support ticket system.

Where is there more information about the tokens available for purchase?


Navigate to the top of our website and select the ‘Tokens‘ sub-menu. Click on the specific token you’d like to learn more about and navigate to that page.

Can U.S. citizens and companies create a trade account?

Yes, U.S. citizens and companies can create a trading account.

US investors that qualify as an accredited investor may participate in purchasing tokens through PPMs. These investors can only sell their ownership in the secondary market upon registration but may not purchase or repurchase in the secondary market. In other words, when trading for the token goes live on the exchange, investors can hold or sell but cannot repurchase.

U.S investors who do NOT qualify as an accredited investor can purchase and sell commonly traded cryptocurrencies that are held on other exchanges including Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC, USDT, and Litecoin.

If the account is a corporate account, U.S. citizens can be the manager of the corporate account.

How do I get my account verified?

Getting verified is easy! Once logged into your trading account, navigate to the upper right hand corner menu and select ‘Identify Verification’ from the drop-down options. Once there, you’ll be given the option for the Tier 2 verification which includes:

  1. Profile Photo
    • Please upload a photo without wearing any hats, masks or glasses and holding your ID Proof, Address Proof Document and a sheet of Paper with the Text – ‘Only for T7X
  2. Address Proof
    • Please provide a recent Utility Bill or Bank Account Statement from within the last three months.
  3. Driver’s License Front and Back
    • Only government issued documents such as Driver’s license, Identity Cards, Passport, etc, are applicable.
  4. Passport Number or Social Security (US specialty accounts)
  5. Date of Birth

For Tier 3 (ADVANCED TRADING) verification:

  1. Tax Identification Number
  2. Tax Statement
  3. Bank Statements
    • Individual or Enterprise (business bank statements)

How long does it take to get verified?

It takes about 24 – 48 hrs for your account to be verified for Tier 2 level and bank details (both of which are required to be approved before you are allowed to participate in trading). You will receive email notifications when each verification is submitted and its status of approval.

In order to avoid delays in processing your application, make sure that all uploaded documents meet the required criteria.

How do I put money into my account?

Please note that to deposit funds, your Bank Details status must be verified first: 

To verify, please submit your Bank account details from the Bank Info tab on the upper-right side menu when logged into your T7X trader account.

Once Bank account details have been submitted and approved:

1. From the ‘My Wallet’ dropdown menu, select Deposit Fiat.

2. Once there, Please click on ‘DEPOSIT’ beside the Currency you would like to Deposit the funds in.

3. A new frame will open where you can enter the Deposit Amount in the available space.

4. Click ‘Generate Payment Order’ button.

5. You should see a window frame open up showing the generated Payment Order. Deposit the same amount of funds to the Beneficiary Bank as the amount on your Payment Order. Remember to use ONLY the Payment Order number in the reference field of your Bank Transfer. Your FIAT wallet will be updated after your deposit is completed.

6. Initiate a wire transfer through your verified bank account’s institution, using the information generated in your Payment Order.

You can check the status of your deposit in the Deposit History section of the page.

How do I get my money?

To initiate a withdrawal from your trader account, complete a money order specifying the desired withdrawal amount, ensuring it meets the minimum withdrawal threshold in your Trader account. Then, authenticate your request by entering the required OTPs from both email and Google Authenticator. Upon submission, an email titled “Withdrawal Order Pending” will promptly confirm the transaction amount and associated withdrawal fee.

Following this step, another email will invite you to schedule a Zoom video call appointment with our team for verification purposes. Please have your ID ready for this appointment. Once we confirm your identity and withdrawal request, funds will be transferred to the original bank account linked to your trader account upon registration within 24 – 48 hrs. In the event of a bank account change, traders must fill out prescribed forms accessible in the confirmation email providing the Zoom link.

What are maker and taker fees?

Maker Fee:

When a user does a Buy or Sell from Limit or Stop Limit it deducts a fee called Maker fee.

Since the user is making the offer it’s called a Maker fee. Also if it is matched directly with an offer from Market taker fee will be applicable.

Taker Fee:

When a user does a Direct Buy-Sell from the Market it deducts a fee called the Taker fee.

Since the offer is matched with an existing offer (takes up an existing offer) and the trade is executed it’s called a Taker fee.

Do I qualify to be an accredited investor?

$300k income/cash and a net worth of at least $1 million as per SEC requirements:


Can’t find the answers you’re looking for? Click below to submit a support ticket (You must have a registered T7X trader account in order to use our support ticket system):

Should you encounter any technical hiccups or user-related challenges with our Support Ticketing System, we recommend consulting our comprehensive Support User Manual. It offers swift troubleshooting steps and effective resolutions to address any issues you may encounter along the way.


Trade assets from anywhere.

Sign up and trade Bitcoin, Etherium, and dozens of liquid tokenized assets from anywhere. T7X has designed a financial ecosystem based on creating and trading tokenized assets, a new leading category in the blockchain industry.


A secure, centralized crypto exchange and marketplace for the trading of tokenized assets.


A standardized global compliance protocol for creating and trading digital assets.


A variety of tokenized digital asset services from experts.


Trading infrastructure for the complete lifecycle of crypto assets (identification, creation, trading, and growth).


Institutional-grade solutions for accessing crypto markets.


Worldwide token awareness campaigns for tokenized asset trading on T7X’s exchange platform.


Be part of the community.

Blockchain news, tools, and everything about T7X.
